Fires, nearly moons & glacial lakes

Not a lot has been happening at the moment for me to blog about.  The forest fire went out, and then started up again, and I think that it’s now out again.  About 30mins drive up the road they are all on evacuation warning so I’m hoping I can sit tight and the next few days rain will help take care of it, well that and the firemen. 

Yes its forecast to rain.

Why?  Because I have a couple of days of work and that’s what mother nature has decided to do to me. 

I had hoped to have a glorious picture of the moon dramatically positioned, poking up over the mountains to share on here but unfortunately by the time I had drove home and got my camera and got back to my vantage point by the lake the moment had passed.  Here instead is a photo that I took last week when my girlfriend and I took a trip into one of the neighboring valleys to a glacial lake.  It really doesn’t do justice to possibly the most beautiful place I have ever been;

(and it was 30 odd degrees which is why I jumped in!)

2 Responses to “Fires, nearly moons & glacial lakes”

  1. 1 Jack August 5, 2009 at 10:40 am

    Ahh, more clear water-based locations. Envy strikes again. Shame about the picture though. I always try and take my camera wherever I go, but because it’s an SLR, people think I am some sort of urban pervert, so I don’t as much these days. Sad.

    • 2 thethoughtherder August 5, 2009 at 5:53 pm

      Yeah I know what you mean, I have a Nikon D40x which I love but it’s a far better camera than I am a photographer. The plan is to take a course and get some of the fundamentals down but I haven’t had a chance to get round to it.

      Due to my inability to manage any ether way I have added a couple more pics into the page, this way by clicking through you can see them in a higher resolution, hopefully making them slightly better. The others are of the fire burning (still) on the mountain across the house.

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