Posts Tagged 'running'

Conundrum solved

Turns out my day off wasn’t wasted, after a lot of sitting around I took the dog for a run and stepped it up a bit and knocked out my first 10km run of the year. I have my eye on a 10km race at the end of next month but work commitments mean I’m 99% sure to be out of town.

I think having that at the back of my mind means I’ve slacked off my running a bit, but despite the spring showers I still went out and clocked a time that won’t win any medals, but is a bit quicker than I thought I would have got before I set off. I won’t embarrass myself by posting it on here, but I think, in fact I know I can shave minutes rather than seconds off it,so I have a new challenge to keep me motivated.

And again

So I continued with my pre run banana today (as mentioned in yesterdays blog) and despite not really feeling motivated to go, I ended up clocking my fastest 5km time since I started using the Nike+.

Not too shabby! I won’t embarrass myself by putting the time in the public domain, but I’m still happy.

Banana a day keeps something something something….

As I continue with my attempt to get happier with the state of my fitness, I’m continuing my running (with nowhere near as much sensible planning as I should have) and I had my first run in a while that when I finished up and felt really good at the end.

The reason for this breakthrough? A banana.

Ok I’m not a 100% sure that this is the reason, however when I used to run a bit more years ago I did used to have a post work/pre run banana and things worked out pretty well for me then, so even if it’s a psychosomatic, it’s working.

You know who I’m loving today?

Paula Radcliffe, thats who.

I went out for a run this morning with the dog and at the end, Paula popped up on my Nike+ to announce that I had just completed my fastest ever 5km.  Not too shabby a start to the weekend.

Ellie Goulding on Nike+?

In a manner which isn’t exactly unique at this time of year I’ve been hitting the gym a little bit harder and making the most of Nike+, think is today Ellie Goulding came on to congratulate me in managing a run 3 days in a row.

Ellie Goulding? How is that in anyway relevant?


I haven’t run in over a week.  I my defence I’ve hopped over to the other side of the world and I’ve been working 12 hr days. The 13hr time difference and heavy work load have left me wanting to sleep not run.  I think though, today is the day I break the lethargic cycle and actually do some running.

Now if I can just find my motivation…..

Nike + my way to 30k

Its the time of year when I should start making goals for 2011, but I have decided to go a little bit more short sighted than that.  Right now I need to kick start my running routine, which in turn should help kick start my whole fitness regime.  I unfortunately get stuck working miles away from home on a regular basis and it makes sticking to routines difficult, however it does seem like I will be in one spot for the next 30 days or so so I’m using this time to set a Nike + goal of 30km ran in 30 days. It should be easy enough, but I’ll be swapping in other exercise days in to my schedule to try and burn off some off the excess weight I have been piling on.

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