Posts Tagged 'G20'

G20 protestors purposely sent the wrong way?


Another wee transatlantic trip under the belt and a few more funny things along the way.

For those of you who have found your way to the world of blogging but somehow missed the world media the G20 summit has just taken place in London.  As I was there during the event and as it looked like it could be interesting on the streets I took a wander down to the financial district to see what was going on……..turns out not a lot.

 There were a helluva lot of police, even more photographers and then a couple of protestors too.  Whilst waiting to cross the road on King William Street I noticed this cunning bit of street signage. 


Was it purposely painted this way to confuse protestors or is it just the case that London’s finest sign guys and gals are somewhat in need of training? 

 I’ll let you decide.

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