
There is a funny thing with seasons, everyone expects you to have a favourite.

I haven’t looked at any stats on this but I reckon that the majority of the public would choose summer as their No 1.


I think summer is great, warm weather, lots of time spent socializing outdoors, beer gardens & bikinis.

Brilliant I agree, but it’s not the best.

I think for the general public winter would come in second, especially in the western world as it plays home to the largest of the family gathering of the year. You can indulge in too much food, then too much booze for the 2 weeks of Christmas and New Year and its ok because so many others are doing it too. Who doesn’t love Christmas? And a personal favorite for me which only comes around in winter is that the snowboard gets waxed and everyone who loves snow sports can head to the mountains and enjoy some time outdoors doing what they love.

But that’s still not my choice.

I think, truth be told, I’m an Autumn/fall person. I don’t know why but I have a few ideas.

1. I love to snowboard. I love to be outdoors having fun with my friends, pushing my comfort zone a bit, getting the adrenaline flowing and then laughing about it all afterwards with après beers. My gear is old, I’m not that good but I have a damn good time. So why don’t I prefer winter? Well fall is all about the nervous energy of how much fun I’m ABOUT to have. The same way that Christmas Eve sees young children don their PJ’s in the middle of the afternoon; I’m enjoying the build up to the season.

2. According to the calendar the New Year is in winter, but is it really? Since I was little the true New Year has been when summer and fall meet. You disagree? From preschool to primary? From the little kids at primary school to then mixing it with the big kids at secondary? What about when you moved out your house and went away for University? Any of that happen between December and January? Nah thought not. For the vast majority of my life the true New Year has been governed by the academic calendar not the standard one. Even though school was a long time ago now the imprint remains, when really young it was all about getting new ‘cool stuff’. As a small child getting luminous highlighters for the first time WTF that was awesome. Getting slightly older and further through school, heading back after the break saw the chance to meet up with friends you may not have seen for a while and bumping back into girls you spent the whole year before wishing you had some interesting chat for. Maybe this would be your year. Start a fresh; pick your own rules. One year older, none the wiser but twice as brave.


3. Halloween. Do I need to elaborate? You get to scare the shit out of people when you are little and then you get given enough high sugar treats to sink a battle ship for your actions and then when you get into your late teens and early twenties all the girls take it as an excuse to wear as little as possible and everyone gets drunk. I don’t have kids yet but I’m sure it’s a pretty fun time to be a parent, unless you’re the parent of a teenage daughter. Sorry.

4. A personal one; I graduated Uni at the start of the summer yes, but then I had to work my ass off to get money together to travel overseas at the end of it. Yes I’m a bit predictable but it was to go do a season snowboarding 10,000 miles away from home. When the leaves started falling that year and I realized that the culmination of a dream of a few years was coming to fruition and that I was starting a new chapter, to try out a new type of life, and I was the happiest I had been in a long time.

5. Another personal one but to not include it would be detrimental to the entire list. I met my girlfriend in the autumn. Awwww. I know it sounds a bit pathetic, but the first part of our time together had a backdrop of oranges and browns, cold winds and too much rain (We lived in Scotland at the time). It was a fantastic time, a bit of a golden age, and I can’t escape that it all came about in that season.

So that is really the way I feel about seasons, it’s not that the others are bad seasons but the mix of fun times ahead, new beginnings and happy memories make this a good season for me.

What season does it for you?

If you are wondering why spring doesn’t get a mention it’s because its known for cleaning, the snow is gone but it’s still cold and not allot else. Doesn’t give it a lot of hope really.

7 Responses to “Seasons”

  1. 1 dressingmyself September 22, 2009 at 4:08 pm

    I vote for Winter – and I live in England where it rains and the skies are grey most of the winter.
    Winter never disappoints.
    When there is a clear crisp day it is like magic!
    And snow – if the day comes when not wildly excited at the sight of a few snowflakes falling, then I am probably dead.
    You are right about all the other attractions of winter – Christmas, New Year, eating drinking. I don’t do snow boarding, I’m old.
    Autumn is my second favourite but only because it means winter is coming.
    Summer has many attractions.
    Spring = Blah.

  2. 2 Jack September 23, 2009 at 10:57 am

    I love winter too.

    I bas this on one piece of logic: if you are cold, it’s far easier to make yourself warmer, than if you are too hot and want to make yourself colder (at least it is here in the UK).

    Oh, and the summer means that my hayfever tends to be quite crappy.

    Plus, UK summers are actually non-existent.

  3. 3 thethoughtherder September 24, 2009 at 1:39 pm

    Hmm, it seems like I was maybe wrong in my assumption that summer would come out on top. Maybe winter does rule as the most popular? 3 people may only be a small sample but you can’t argue with stats!

    Trust me, you are never too old for snowboarding, I didn’t touch a board till I was 18, but I plan to still be boarding post hip replacement while in my 80’s. It’s just too much fun. The secret is to get the right instructor when you first learn and the rest just falls into place.

  4. 4 Jay September 25, 2009 at 1:56 am

    I’m all about fall. In summer the heat and humidity are tough to bear. Although this year I’ve actually considered that summer isn’t that bad of a season at all–mind you this has been a ridiculously mild summer so I suppose it doesn’t count. I love the way that fall air is cool and crisp. I enjoy the earlier fall evenings where the fading sunlight seems to play with the changing colours. I like taking walks outside without generating a pound of sweat.

    I love the “new beginnings” aspect of fall. Back then it was a time of reunions and increased mental activity. Even though I’m long removed from those academic days I still make those associations, and they in turn give me a bit of a boost to face the rest of the year with a vengeance. If summer is a time of relaxation, autumn is a time to rev back up.

  5. 5 gibberinggiraffe September 26, 2009 at 12:34 am

    I agree, the Spring is known for cleaning, but that’s in connection with the’fresh start’aspect of it. I think it gives a huge amount of hope.

    I love the longer days, the warmth of the sun on crisp dewy mornings. The buds on the trees, all the baby animals. The prospect of Summer ahead. Watching the snow melt away after an awesome Winter…I think Spring is up there as my favourite season.

    It’s full of hope and renewal.

  6. 6 thethoughtherder September 28, 2009 at 1:44 pm

    Our survey says………summer in last!

    Didnt see that one coming. I guess summer is, for many people, to hot to really enjoy. Where I lived in the UK it never got that hot however now in Canada I need (and dont have) air con to get a good nights sleep in the summer months.

    Intersting that we can all relate different aspects of ‘new’ to different times of year.

  1. 1 What happened to fall? « The thoughtherder’s Blog Trackback on October 26, 2009 at 11:44 pm

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